Tuesday, January 29, 2019

News Round-Up: January 29, 2019

• InstaHunk Dan Tai asks, "Do you count your macros?" I don't even know what that means (I'm sure it's important) because calves, biceps, deltoids, face...
InstaHunk Dan Tai

Some news items you might have missed:

• InstaHunk Dan Tai asks, "Do you count your macros?" I don't even know what that means (I'm sure it's important) because calves, biceps, deltoids, face...

Desperate Housewives/Ugly Betty star Vanessa Williams has been tapped for a lead role in Happy Accident, ABC’s family comedy pilot from the writers of Modern Family. #Yay!

• Congressional Republicans aren't fond of Donald Trump's idea to declare a 'national emergency' in order to get his beloved wall, but they've signaled they won't put up a stink if he does.

Reuters reports that The Trump administration’s $1.5 trillion cut tax package appeared to have no major impact on businesses’ capital investment or hiring plans.

• A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows 56% of registered voters will "definitely" not vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

• And speaking of the 2020 election, Sen. Kamala Harris of California broke records Monday night when her televised town hall became the most viewed event of its kind in cable news history with 1.957 million views. The event drew the most viewers of any cable-news, single-candidate town hall.

• Out singer/songwriter Sam Smith and former Fifth Harmony member Normani release their sensual, moody music video for their hit duet, "Dancing with a Stranger."

Alone in a lavish mansion, both artists are attempting to get over former lovers. I like the song; not sure about Normani's dancing in the middle there, but I guess it's in the title so someone had to dance...?