Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trump Calls Tell-All Author "A Low Level Staffer" And "Gofer"

Donald Trump is really, really mad about his former aide, Cliff Sims, writing his blockbuster tell-all about his days in the White House.
Donald Trump

Donald Trump is really, really mad about his former aide, Cliff Sims, writing his blockbuster tell-all about his days in the White House.

Trump tweeted earlier today that Sims was "a low level staffer" and "gofer" that the Trumpster "hardly knew." He went on to call the book "made up stories and fiction."

Trump also mentioned a non-disclosure agreement.

Sims was on the air with CNN at the time of the tweet, and he seemed pretty unfazed by the attack.

According to Michael Glassner, chief operating officer for Trump’s campaign, the campaign is “preparing to file suit against Cliff Sims for violating our NDA.”