Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton On Top In Iowa Polls

Results of the first CNN/ORC poll in Iowa this election cycle shows Donald Trump surging to the top spot despite what establishment political experts cite as gaffes and missteps.

The Donald is turning into the "Teflon Donald."

From CNN:

Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He’s most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson follows Trump in overall preference with 14%, bumping Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who had held the top spot in most recent public polling in Iowa, down to third place with 9%.

Walker is nearly even with a slew of other candidates. Previous public polls had found Carson with around 10% support, but most were released before last week’s debate.

A Suffolk University poll of Iowa Republicans released Tuesday found Carson’s closing remarks to be the most memorable moment for those who watched the prime time debate.

The results of the just announced CNN/ORC poll of Democratic voters shows Hillary Clinton with a strong lead in Iowa with 50% of likely caucus goers leaning her way. Sen. Bernie Sanders stands at 31% in second place, and Vice-President Joe Biden (who is not currently in the race) at 12%.

Other announced candidates former Sen. Jim Webb, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee barely reaching 1% support.

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