Monday, June 17, 2013

Acclaimed LGBT blogger Pam Spaulding to end successful 9 year run

Acclaimed LGBT blogger Pam Spaulding announced yesterday that July 1 will be Pam's House Blend's final day online after a successful nine-year run.  

From her announcement:

“All good things must come to an end, even after numerous awards and accolades, it’s time to acknowledge that I cannot continue to run on fumes alone. The Blend could continue limping along, but my health and well-being come first; over the last few years burning the candle at both ends with a full-time offline job and PHB. It has taken a severe toll—most readers have learned that I am dealing with chronic pain conditions—fibromylagia, and in the last couple of years, aggressive rheumatoid arthritis.

My decision to close the blog is just as reality-based as its content has been. If I cannot produce material at the frequency or with the same level of quality, enthusiasm and effectiveness, it’s really time to close the doors to this coffeehouse—and work to ensure it continues to have a life as an archive, a snapshot in our digital political history. will redirect to archives.

Political blogging changed mainstream journalism in many ways. Save for a few who were able to monetize their blogs or who were cherry picked to help traditional outlets get their feet wet in new media, the vast majority of citizen journalists and opinion-makers toiled with little hope of quitting that day job. The LGBT movement was energized by the speed and reach of new media, and at times appeared quite threatened by it—mostly because it was a venue where Beltway orgs, and even the White House, didn’t see any possible way to co-opt or control what was being produced by this first generation of online political rabble rousers and activists. I’ve made a lot of great friends and met a lot of people along the way, and hopefully opened a few eyes, particularly with my posts about the intersection of LGBT and race.

I’ll have a “goodbye” post on July 1 that takes a look at some of PHB’s nine-year history.”

You can read more of Pam's announcement at her superb blog, Pam's House Blend.

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