Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Exciting News Here At The Randy Report

I can't believe I'm actually writing this!

After over 8 years of hosting The Randy Report on Blogger.com, I've finally launched the blog at my own domain, TheRandyReport.com.

I've been meaning to do this for years but never made the time. Thank you to everyone who has followed me here since 2011.

Please bookmark the new site - www.TheRandyReport.com - and visit me there (often, I hope). 

You can also follow me on my award-winning podcast, The Randy Report, here.

In addition to being a more sleek, modern style, the new website loads and functions much faster.

Here's a sample of what you'll find.

All of my previous content has been copied over to the new site, but I plan on leaving this version of TRR here on Blogger as an archive because, you know, just in case...

There will be some kinks to work out as I get used to the workflow, but I'm excited about this next chapter for The Randy Report.
