Saturday, August 10, 2019

Las Vegas: White Supremacist Charged With Plotting To Firebomb Gay Bars & Synagogues

Twenty-three-year-old Conor Climo has been arrested and accused of plotting to firebomb a Las Vegas synagogue or a bar catering to LGTBQ customers, officials said Friday.
Conor Climo (screen capture)

Twenty-three-year-old Conor Climo has been arrested and accused of plotting to firebomb a Las Vegas synagogue or a bar catering to LGTBQ customers, officials said Friday.

According to the criminal complaint, Climo was communicating with individuals who identified with a white supremacist extremist organization using the National Socialist Movement to promote their ideology.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Koppe on Friday ordered Climo to remain in federal custody pending an Aug. 23 court appearance on a federal firearms charge.

From NBC Los Angeles:

Court documents say Climo communicated by encrypted internet chat with people identified as white supremacists, and told an FBI informant in recent weeks that he was scouting places to attack.

Investigators serving a warrant at his home found hand-drawn schematics and component parts of a destructive device, according to the criminal complaint, including flammable liquids, oxidizing agents and circuit boards. They also confiscated an AR-15 assault-style weapon and a bolt-action rifle.

The charge against Climo accuses him of possessing an unregistered firearm in the form of the component parts of a destructive device.

"Climo would regularly use derogatory racial, anti-Semitic and homosexual slurs," the U.S. attorney's office statement said. "He discussed attacking a Las Vegas synagogue and making Molotov Cocktails and improvised explosive devices, and he also discussed conducting surveillance on a bar he believed catered to the LGBTQ community."

Back in 2016, local news station KTNV-TV reported on Climo, 20-years-old at the time, "patrolling" his neighborhood wearing battle gear and carrying an assault rifle and survival knife.

"I'll pretty much stay within constitutional bounds when I'd doing this," he told KTNV.

"Pretty much stay within constitutional bounds???"

He also said he would be looking for 'suspicious activity,' which he defined as "people outside when they're not supposed to be..."

Think on that one.

That was MY neighborhood he was patrolling. In the reports from 2016 (below), he admits he has no formal training in 'policing' anything.

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