Thursday, June 13, 2019

Quisling Of The Day: Guess Who?

One of my favorite bloggers, kenneth in the (212), has posted a text message chat between what appears to be 'totally-not-gay' former Rep. Aaron Schock and a supporter.

One of my favorite bloggers, kenneth in the (212), has posted a text message chat between what appears to be 'totally-not-gay' former Rep. Aaron Schock and a supporter.

I haven't personally verified the identities of the two people chatting in exchange, so, feel free to believe or not believe.

In the screen captures, Schock complains of how "mean and nasty" the gays have been to him in leaking his nude pics.

He also says he "hadn't come to terms" with his sexuality when he cast anti-LGBTQ votes while in Congress, and was in the process of coming out to his family when video of him canoodling at Coachella surfaced.

In addition, the person says the 'hatred' aimed at him is based on his being a Republican.

In his post, Kenneth offers this spot-on counter-point to the whining:

Note to Aaron Schock: The perspective of queer people has always been consistent and clear: Even those who “preach tolerance, acceptance and compassion” don't take kindly to having lawmakers vote to rob them of their rights, particularly when it is believed that said lawmaker was being hypocritical in his beliefs. If you think your coming out has been difficult, imagine someone’s parents finding out he/she is gay when they were booted from the U.S. military under “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which you voted to keep in place. Talk about humiliating. Whether you think you were “out” when you voted against LGBTQ rights is irrelevant as you are a gay man who surely knew what you were doing was shitty. If you truly don't stand by your past votes, then why not denounce them?

The "hate" has always been about your anti-gay policies, not your party. But if you think the two are related, that's perhaps something you need to grapple with. HRC didn’t give you a zero rating because of your stance on taxes and regulations.
According to Kenneth, the man who posted the screen caps verified its authenticity.

No word from Mr. Schock yet.

Click over to kenneth in the (212) for the full text exchange.

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