Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Trump Continues To Lie About Aid To Puerto Rico

Donald Trump
Donald Trump simply can't stop trolling Puerto Rico on social media.

The Trumpster went on a long Twitter rant about the U.S. territory calling the local leaders there "incompetent" or "corrupt."

The $91 billion figure Trump quotes is an estimate of the DAMAGES to the island.

So far, according to the Washington Post, Puerto Rico has only received about a quarter of the total amount of money allocated to the island — $11.2 billion.

Officials told The Fact Checker that the president was referring to an internal Office of Management and Budget estimate of the potential liabilities over the life of the disaster that would need to be committed under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988. The estimate was described as a high-end estimate subject to change year by year.

Currently, the estimated Stafford liabilities amount to $50 billion. Adding the $41 billion in announced funding to the $50 billion in Stafford liabilities gets you to $91 billion.

But none of that matters to Trump. He continues to rant and groan using incorrect numbers and #fakefacts.

Note that last line of the last tweet about "so little appreciation." #smh

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