Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Trump Supporters Do Their 2018 Taxes, And They Are NOT Happy

With tax season now upon us, it's interesting to note that more than a few Trump supporters have taken to Twitter in the past few days angry about their 2018 tax bill.  It seems the promises of a 'middle class' tax cut weren't so accurate.
Donald Trump

With tax season now upon us, it's interesting to note that more than a few Trump supporters have taken to Twitter in the past few days angry about their 2018 tax bill.

It seems the promises of a 'middle class' tax cut weren't so accurate.

Thanks to the loss of multiple tax deductions in Donald Trump's tax bill, there are folks paying MORE than they are used to.

Raw Story notes the main culprits seem to be newly-capped deductions for taxes paid to state and local governments, as well as the increased amount of charitable donations you have to make to qualify for the deduction.

Here's just a few of the self-proclaimed Trump supporters had to say: