Wednesday, February 6, 2019

News Round-Up: February 6, 2019

(image via Instagram)

Some news items you might have missed:

• How cute are InstaCouple Justin & Nick? Follow them on the gram of Insta here.

• Two men from Washington D.C. were arrested for drug trafficking as they tried to board a gay cruise leaving from the port of Miami. They were caught thanks to intercepted planning emails sent from one of the men's government-issued laptop.

• The ABC hit sitcom Modern Family has been renewed for its 11th and final season.

• Donald Trump loves to refer to it as the 'failing' New York Times, but facts are facts, and the Times' stock price just hit a 13-year high.

• Damon Wayans Jr. is just the latest celeb apologizing for past homophobic statements and 'jokes.' At least he has the decency to actually straight-up apologize.

• Out pop singer/songwriter Gia Woods drops her new music video, "Jump The Fence," which offers a groovy respite with shades of female empowerment and sexual freedom.

Billboard gushed about the new song calling it "a breathy pop ear-worm packed with tribal-like pulsations and distant howls that matches the musical climate while maintaining an undeniable edge."

Gia's breakout music video, "Only A Girl," has garnered over 10 million viesw and counting. The talented 22-year-old is prepping to release her debut EP later this year.

Check out the new bop from Ms. Woods below.