Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Polls: Trump's Rating Continue To Sink As He Clings To Border Wall Demand

Recently polling shows the longer the current Trump shutdown of the federal government continues, the more it wears on his approval rating.
Donald Trump

Recently polling shows the longer the current Trump shutdown of the federal government continues, the more it wears on his approval rating.

New results from the Morning Consult/POLITICO poll shows Trump's approval rating has dropped to 40% while his disapproval rating has hit an all-time high for this poll of 57%.

More results:

• 54% put the onus on Trump and Congressional Republicans for the government shutdown, while 35% blame Democrats.

• In regarding to the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, a solid majority - 57% - believe Russia has compromising information on Trump.

The results of the latest CBS News poll aren't any better for Trump:

• 66% of those polled say Trump should agree to the current budget proposal without insisting on his wall.

• Regarding the current shutdown, 47% approved of the way Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is handling the situation versus 35% approving of Trump's approach.

• Trump's approval rating in the CBS News poll has dropped to 36% while 59% disapprove of the job he's doing.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi isn't shy about spreading the news...