Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Networks Will Give Democrats Airtime For Response To Trump's Address Tonight

The four television networks - NBC, Fox, ABC and CBS - have confirmed that they will air a Democratic response to Trump's primetime address tonight.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer requested equal time following Donald Trump's address tonight to offer their rebuttal and vision for moving forward from the current government shutdown.

From The New York Times:

Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer will speak from the Capitol after Mr. Trump completes his remarks from the Oval Office, which are scheduled to be broadcast live by the major television networks. The dueling addresses from opposite sides of Pennsylvania Avenue will unfold at the close of Day 18 of a government shutdown over Mr. Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion for a border wall that Democrats have steadfastly opposed.

Mr. Trump, who spent much of the first two weeks of the shutdown cloistered inside the White House saying little about it, is now using the powers of the presidency to focus public attention on his immigration message in an effort to build support for the idea of erecting a large wall on the border with Mexico. Democrats, newly in control of the House, are steering clear of talk of the wall itself, and instead are working to focus attention on the damaging impacts of the shutdown.