Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mike Pence: Trump Had The 'Impression' Former Presidents Wanted A Border Wall

Vice President Mike Pence

For several days now, fact checkers have noted Donald Trump's claim that former presidents have told him they wish they had built a wall along the US/Mexico border as false.

Representatives from Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter have all confirmed they never told Trump they regret not building a wall.

Today, Vice President Mike Pence told MSNBC's Hallie Jackson that the president 'had the impression' previous administrations had wanted to build a wall.

"I know the President has said that that was his impression from previous administrations, previous Presidents," said Pence. "I know I've seen clips of previous presidents talking about the importance of border security, the importance of addressing the issue of illegal immigration."

Again, we see the Trump/Pence administration stretch the truth here as "border security" (which Democrats support, by the way) is one thing, building a wall is another.

On top of the fact that all living former presidents say they never even discussed the subject with Trump.

The man literally cannot stop lying.