Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Viral Video: Engineer Designs 'Revenge-Bait Package' To Glitter Bomb Porch Thieves

This is a story of the most awesome glitter bomb ever.

The video has garnered almost 8 million views in a day.

Even though former NASA engineer Mark Rober’s porch cams captured video of a thief absconding with an Amazon package left at his house, the police told him there was little they could do to help him.

Feeling a bit powerless and violated, he decided to do a bit of ‘revenge-engineering’ to punish porch thieves for their un-Santa-like ways.

Rober, whose work is part of the Insight Lander currently sitting on the surface of Mars, spent six months designing a revenge-bait package intended to punish evildoers who steal.

The package (which took six months to design) contains four cell phones with wide-angle lenses, motion sensors, GPS trackers, about a pound of rainbow glitter and fart spray.

The package was designed so that once it was moved, the GPS trackers turned on. When the thief would lift the top of the box, all four cell phones would begin recording the high-tech revenge and upload the video to the cloud.

At the same time, a spinning cup would send the rainbow glitter EVERYWHERE (you know how hard it is to get rid of glitter, right?)

If anyone could design the ultimate revenge-bait package, it's Mark Rober

And the final pièce de résistance - the fart spray would be delivered every 30 seconds. According to Rober, just one spray can clear a room.

Even if the box was thrown away or destroyed, Rober would be able to view his revenge video via the cloud.

Rober calls this his “Magnum Opus” and lots of folks agree.

The video is currently #1 Trending on YouTube.

Hit the play button below where Rober (who’s pretty cute) spends a few minutes explaining the situation and then we get to see several thieving punks go down in a cloud of glitter.