Saturday, July 14, 2018

News Round-Up: July 14, 2018

InstaHunk Joel Green is ready to take you on a ride :)

Some news items you might have missed:

• It's the weekend! Who wants to go for a ride with InstaHunk Joel Green?

• Scarlett Johansson has withdrawn from the upcoming film, Rub & Tug, after a backlash about the actress playing a transgender role in the movie. “I have great admiration and love for the trans community and am grateful that the conversation regarding inclusivity in Hollywood continues,” she said.

• There's going to be a Downton Abbey movie! Squeee! According to the BBC, the "original principal cast" will begin production later this summer, the film's producers said.

• Republican Illinois Gov. Rauner is getting flack from conservatives for having the nerve to officiate the same-sex wedding of longtime friends. #srsly

• 80s super group ABBA just finished recording their first new tracks since 1982 and says 'it was a fantastic experience.'

• From her upcoming album, Sweetener, Ariana Grande releases the female empowered music video for “God Is A Woman”, directed by Grammy Award®-winning director Dave Meyers.

The one-and-only Madonna offers a spoken-word cameo as 'God' along the way.
