Saturday, July 14, 2018

Happy Birthday, Randy

Today, France celebrates Bastille Day, or as we say in my house, my birthday.

I am not a 'birthday person.' I never have been, not that I mind getting older.

The best part of my birthday really isn't about me.

The best part of my birthday is the anniversary of one of the best parts of my life.

The best part of my birthday is that since July 14, 1980, this day represents the day I found my best friend, the foundation of who I am and how I got here.

Today is the anniversary of the day Carlye and I officially became best friends. Yes, officially. We decided that day.

I can never write enough about how I was made better the day we met.

I can never write enough about how Carlye and her family made me feel like I belonged.

I can never write enough about how Carlye and I survived NYC and life together:

• being briefly homeless at midnight on Octoher 30, 1985
• living in what we called 'the hovel' in a six floor walk-up on the East Side
• waiting tables and auditioning, and waiting tables and auditioning, and waiting tables and auditioning
• getting to opening nights
• getting through funerals
• getting through illnesses - hers and mine

I could all go on and on. But I'll leave it at that - for now.

The best part of my birthday is not about me. It is about 'we.'

Happy birthday to me, and happy anniversary Carlye.

Carlye and I at a holiday party some year in NYC