Thursday, March 1, 2018

YouTube Offers To Help Clean Up Gus Kenworthy's "Hater" Issue

Gus Kenworthy

Yesterday I reported on Olympic freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy sharing some of the hateful comments he's received on his YouTube channel.

Well, it turns out YouTube was listening and plans to do something about it.

YouTube tweeted the Gus man saying, "This is unacceptable, we’re so sorry these comments and notifications came through to you. We’re actively working to fix this so you won't see or be notified of abusive comments and exploring more ways to protect people from abusive comments overall."

And Kenworthy was ready with a solution: "Thank you YouTube! Maybe consider filtering out keywords and phrases like "faggot" and "kill yourself" so that they just never show up in anyone's comments? I'm confident enough to brush it off but a younger me would have had a harder time."

Bonus Gus: Kenworthy also shared that he and several other U.S. Olympians will be at the NYC Ralph Lauren store this evening for a meet & greet with fans! Bring him dipping dots and you may catch his eye!