Saturday, November 18, 2017

News Round-Up: November 18, 2017

Some news items you might have missed:

• InstaHunk of the day (above) - Woofy Killian Belliard

• According to the FBI, hate crimes in the U.S. saw a 5% increase in 2016. Of the 6,121 incidents reported 1,076 were based on sexual orientation bias and 124 were based on gender identity bias.

• A new report from the University of Chicago found that LGBTQ young adults had a 120 percent higher risk of reporting homelessness compared to youth who identified as heterosexual and cisgender.

• Aides in Donald Trump's White House pick and choose which polls to show him making sure he sees primarily the "good ones."

• Anti-LGBT hate group leader Tony Perkins helped to cover up a sexual assault by now-disgraced GOP Ohio State Rep. Wesley Goodman back in 2015. Goodman allegedly invited an 18-year-old male to crash in his hotel room and when the teenager woke up Goodman had unbuttoned his pants and was pulling his zipper down.

• Miss Coco Peru, famous for her illuminating shopping trips, heads out to Walmart in search of a Wonder Woman crock pot. Watch below.

• Oh, and Simon Dunn did his laundry :)

Dirty Laundry Photographer: @dillingerphotography Underwear: @prowleruk

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