Friday, October 20, 2017

White House: It's "Highly Inappropriate" To Question Chief Of Staff Kelly Even Though He Was Wrong

Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly asserted that Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) boasted about raising money during an FBI dedication ceremony in 2015.

Wilson denied Kelly's claim saying she wasn't even in Congress when the funds to build the new FBI building in question were appropriated.

Well, of course, someone was going to find that footage of Wilson's speech. And nowhere does she take credit for raising the funds to build the new FBI building. She does take credit for having the building named after two FBI agents.

And, she spends a big part of her speech praising the FBI and our law enforcement officials.

I can't embed the video, but you can see it over on South Florida's Sun-Sentinel website here.

At the White House press briefing today, members of the press asked press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about the video which showed Kelly was inaccurate with his portrayal of Wilson's speech.

Sanders told reporters that it is "highly inappropriate" to "go after" a four-star Marine general.

Since Ms. Sanders thinks it's "highly inappropriate" to question or "go after" a military general, I wonder what she thinks of her boss, Donald Trump, "going after" these generals.