Thursday, October 19, 2017

Burger King PSA: Folks Stand Up For Bullied Burger More Than Bullied High School Junior

Fast food restaurant Burger King created this public service announcement in recognition of National Bullying Prevention Month that seeks to find out why more people will stand up for a bullied Whopper Jr. than a bullied high school junior.

For the spot, the company hired actors to play the bullies and the victim during a busy time in a Burger King restaurant. While the teenager is getting bullied, employees served "bullied" Whopper Jr's to patrons.

The patrons didn't hesitate to complain about the burgers, but practically no one addressed the bullying going on right in front of them.

As one kid shares, "It's just easier to do nothing."

From Burger King:
Scrawny. Short. Ugly. Fat. Weird. 30% of school kids worldwide are bullied each year and bullying is the #1 act of violence against young people in America today (Source: The BURGER KING® brand is known for putting the crown on everyone’s head and allowing people to have it their way. Bullying is the exact opposite of that. So the BURGER KING® brand is speaking up against bullying during National Bullying Prevention Month.
Visit to learn how you can take a stand against bullying.

And watch below to see how many customers actually step up for the high school junior.