Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jet Blue Crew And Passengers Comfort Grandmother Of Orlando Shooting

One of the youngest victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting was Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, who was known among friends as Omar.

As funerals begin for those who died in the massacre, this story on a Jet Blue flight is a welcome bright moment.

Via CNN:

On Tuesday, less than three days after Omar's brutal murder, his grandmother, heartbroken and alone, boarded a flight to Orlando to attend his funeral.

Jetblue crew member Kelly Davis Karas decided that the woman, though grieving alone, could not leave the plane without knowing the world was with her. Karas passed around a piece of paper for passengers to sign so their words might ease the grandmother's aching heart.

As Karas pushed the beverage cart down the plane's aisle, she whispered to passengers about the paper. Halfway down the aisle, another crew member on board said more paper was needed. Instead of signing their names and moving on, passengers were writing paragraphs—long notes of compassion, grief and strength.

"When we gathered them together to present them to her, we didn't have just a sheet of paper covered in names, which is what I had envisioned. Instead, we had page after page after page after page of long messages offering condolences, peace, love and support. There were even a couple of cash donations, and more than a few tears," Karas wrote on Facebook.

At the end of the flight, the usual announcements were followed by "We Stand with Orlando." And the pilot called for a moment of silence for the young Omar.

Karas added that every single passenger stopped to share a moment with the grieving grandmother - whether a touch, a hug or saying they were sorry. AND, not one passenger complained about the slow deplaning.

The crew was aware of the grandmother's presence because Jet Blue is offering free flights to families of the victims.

Bravo, Jet Blue and humanity.

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