Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ann Coulter: "Women Should Not Have The Right To Vote"

On the radio show “Free Speech” with Gavin McInnes, the Republican party's favorite blonde, Ann Coulter, shared her disdain for women and immigrants.

Referencing Ted Kennedy's Immigration Act of 1965, Coulter declared that changed the demographics of the United States in favor of Democrats, which she claims was the goal of the legislation all along.

Via Right Wing Watch:
According to Coulter, “Obama never would have been elected, I mean certainly wouldn’t have been reelected – Romney won bigger against, I mean, if the demographics of this country had not changed so dramatically because of immigration, Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan did against Carter in 1980.”

McInnes, also brought up women voters, prompting Coulter to share her position that “women should not have the right to vote.” She continued that while women should not vote, “We can still write books! We can run for office.”

“You just can’t vote,” McInnes reiterated.

This is not the first time Coulter voiced her support for female disenfranchisement. In 2007, Coulter said that “If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president.” Coulter described this as a “pipe dream” and a “personal fantasy” of hers that women, especially the single women who “are voting so stupidly,” will finally be silenced.

Ironically, McInnes is a Canadian immigrant to the US himself. I guess he gives himself a pass.

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