Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mike Huckabee Compares Being Gay To "Lifestyle Choices" Like Drinking, Swearing

2016 political hopeful Mike Huckabee, appearing on CNN's State Of The Union, compared homosexuality to drinking, swearing and other "lifestyle" choices.

From the interview with Dana Bash:

“People can be my friends who have lifestyles that are not necessarily my lifestyle. I don’t shut people out of my circle or out of my life because they have a different point of view. I hope the party doesn’t change its overall view, but the very fact that I talk about relationships I have with friends who are gay, indicate that I’m not a person who shuts everybody out around me who disagrees.”

“I don’t drink alcohol, but gosh — a lot of my friends, maybe most of them, do. You know, I don’t use profanity, but believe me, I’ve got a lot of friends who do. Some people really like classical music and ballet and opera — it’s not my cup of tea."

“I’d like to think that there’s room in America for people who have different points of view without screaming and shouting and wanting to shut their businesses down. What worries me in this new environment we’re in, it’s not just that someone might disagree, they don’t want to argue with me, even take a different point of view. They want to close someone’s business down.”

Watch the interview below:

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