Monday, February 2, 2015

Alabama Lawmaker: Gay Marriage Will Cost Too Much

Alabama state Sen. Del Marsh

Usually, the arguments against same-sex marriage take the approach of inciting to riot via "polygamy," "incest," Bible scripture, morality, etc...

But one GOP Alabama lawmaker is going right for the pocketbook approach - "Gay marriage will cost us money!"

Via ThinkProgress:

“You gotta look at the financial aspect of this as well,” State Sen. Del Marsh (R) told radio host Dale Jackson last week. “Let’s face it. If gay marriage is approved, I assume that those types of unions, those people would be entitled to Social Security benefits, insurance. Where does it end?”

Well, glad you asked Mr. Marsh.

It seems the Congressional Budget Office weighed the potential increased spending on Social Security and other benefits against increased savings from other programs like Medicare and Medicaid back in 2004.

The results of the study found that if every state were to legalize marriage equality, the federal budget would see a boost of approximately $10 billion over 10 years.

Additionally, specific to Alabama, the Williams Institute found that same-sex marriage would add $21.7 million to Alabama’s economy over the first three years.

So, hey - more money in the economy? What Republican doesn't like that?

Listen to Mr. Marsh below:

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