Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rugby Legend Gareth Thomas On The Jonathan Ross Show

Gareth Thoms on The Jonathan Ross Show

Gareth Thomas, legendary rugby player who came out in 2009, has written a new autobiography, Proud.

Appearing on the Jonathan Ross Show, Thomas talked on his career and previous struggles with his sexuality.

‘I have won every trophy that I can ever dream of winning but when you affect somebody’s life, in a way that this person is going to have a life that they never thought they could have because of me, stupid old me, because of that they could do that, it’s amazing.

‘I didn’t come out because I wanted to be the first person to do it and I was going to be a trailblazer, I came out because I came to a crossroads of living or dying and that’s why I decided to come out, I wanted to live.’

Asked if marriage were in the near future for him and his partner, Ian Baum, Thomas replied:

‘We’ve known each other for two years and we’ve been living together for a year and I am very much in love with Ian, I’m extremely happy and I’m sure one day down the line [we might get married], we’re settling in but I definitely wouldn’t write it off because I really feel I’ve found my soulmate and the person I can spend the rest of my life with, I really do.’

Just in case I needed to remind you :)

(via Gay Star News)

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