Friday, October 10, 2014

West Virginia Drops Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage

In light of the recent decisions by SCOTUS and the 4th Circuit Court, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has announced that he will no longer defend his state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

Gov. Earl Ray has ordered the issuing of marriage licenses.

Morrisey’s office indicates the attorney general disagrees with the Supreme Court decision, but respects that it sets legal precedent for West Virginia.

“While we disagree and believe it improperly displaces state and local decision-making, we will respect it,” he said in the prepared release.

“It is my duty to defend state laws that have been passed by the state Legislature and are consistent with the Constitution. We have discharged this duty faithfully.”

There were no immediate details released regarding when marriage licenses will be issued to same-sex couples, although Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin issued a press release indicating he has directed state agencies to comply.

“Recent rulings make it clear that laws banning same-sex marriage have been declared unconstitutional,” Tomblin said in a prepared release.

“Our state is known for its kindness and hospitality to residents and visitors alike. I encourage all West Virginians—regardless of their personal beliefs—to uphold our statewide tradition of treating one another with dignity and respect.”

(via JMG)

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