Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Palm Springs: Anti-bullying fund raising via shirtless car wash studs

So if you're going to get your car washed ANYWAY... Why not have hunky guys in swim suits do it? And for charity?

Win-win in my opinion.

From the Huffington Post:

A group of Speedo-clad men came together last week in Palm Springs, Calif. to take part in the "Studs and Suds" carwash, a charity campaign that sought to raise money for a local anti-bullying foundation, "Boo 2 Bullying."

The organization sought to work towards "ending the pain of bullying while embracing our differences" through initiatives such as the carwash.

President and founder of the "Boo 2 Bullying" campaign Dimitri Halkidis said that bullying isn't an issue that only affects LGBT youth. "I don't think it matters what sexuality you are," stated Halkidis. "Bullying is bullying weather you're white, yellow, green, black, straight, LGBT-- it just does not matter."