Saturday, April 6, 2013

Louisiana: Sen. Landrieu "believes" in marriage equality

With so many politicians coming out in favor of marriage equality, the question begs "what's holding back the four remaining Senate Democrats that have yet to show their support?"

Clearly there's a lot of concern about keeping their jobs with their socially conservative constituents.

Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana offered CNN an explanation.  CNN reports:
Landrieu told CNN National Political Correspondent Jim Acosta in an interview Friday that she personally believes "people should love who they love and marry who they want to marry," but that her obligation rests with the people of Louisiana who elected her.

"My state has a very strong constitutional amendment not only against gay marriage but against gay partnerships. So I'm looking at the people of Louisiana trying to represent their interests," she said.

So Landrieu's personally in favor of marriage equality, but she's representing the values of her constituents.

Question: as an elected official - do you lead? Or do you follow?

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