Wednesday, April 3, 2013

House of Rep Dems who haven't come out for marriage equality - yet

From JoeMyGod, we get a list of House Democrats who've not yet publicly stated their support.

Check out names below and please let us know if anybody doesn't belong on this list.

And get to work reaching out to your rep if they've not yet done the right thing.

(Dina Titus, I'm not in your district but just across town. We need to have a chat at Starbucks or something I think...)

1.Ron Barber (AZ-2)
2.John Barrow (GA-12)
3.Sanford Bishop (GA-2)
4.Corrine Brown (FL-5)
5.Jim Costa (CA-16)
6.Henry Cuellar (TX-28)
7.John Dingell (MI-12)
8.William Enyart (IL-12)
9.Pete Gallego (TX-23)
10.Gene Green (TX-29)
11.Marcy Kaptur (OH-9)
12.Ron Kind (WI-3)
13.John Larson (CT-1)
14.Dan Lipinski (IL-3)
15.Jim Matheson (UT-4)
16.Mike McIntyre (NC-7)
17.Bill Owen (NY-21)
18.Collin Peterson (MN-7)
19.Nick Rahall (WV-3)
20.Cedric Richmond (LA-2)
21.Bobby Rush (IL-1)
22.Kurt Schrader (OR-5)
23.David Scott (GA-13)
24.Terri Sewell (AL -7)
25.Bennie Thompson (MS-2)
26.Dina Titus (NV-1)
27.Juan Vargas (CA-51)
28.Filemon Vela Jr. (TX-34)
29.Pete Visclosky (IN-1)

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