Thursday, July 12, 2012

20 weird records set by college students has pulled together 20 odd world records some intrepid college students have managed to achieve.

These 20 records were broken by college students who proved that all you really need is plenty of time to kill (that’s a big one) and probably a fairly strong pain tolerance. Here's just 10 of the 20.  Check out to see the rest.
  1. Farthest grape toss and mouth catch:
    Trevor McDonald is the hero of everyone who ever played with their food. In April, the Bowdoin College freshman broke the world record of throwing a grape 37 feet in the air and catching it in the mouth. After a few practice runs, he successfully launched and caught a small red grape from 39 feet.

  2. Longest tongue: Chanel Tapper, a 21-year-old college student from California, currently holds the record for longest tongue in the world. Measuring in at 3.8 inches, her tongue is twice as long as average. And yes, fellas, she’s heard all the comments; get your minds out of the gutter.

  3. Longest game of ultimate Frisbee: A Montana State University sophomore was part of a 30-member group that broke the world record for the longest game of ultimate Frisbee: a staggering 80 hours, 15 minutes and 13 seconds. Players subbed in and out every six hours, putting each player’s time on the field at roughly 40 hours.

  4. Biggest cardboard box castle:
    In February, BYU students bested Harvard students’ record of building a 566-box castle. The 50-member team braved wind and rowdy kids to successfully form 734 boxes into a castle, complete with turrets and cardboard cannons.

  5. Longest marathon theater performance: The show must go on … and on, and on, and on. In 2006, 13 students at Loyola College in India performed 13 bible stories over the course of 72 hours. One student dropped out before the end, but the rest made it to curtain.

  6. Largest snowball: The University of Florida never had a shot at this one. Last winter, 10 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth students packed the world’s largest snowball, measuring 7’4″ tall, over 23 feet in circumference, and more than 6,100 pounds.

  7. Largest game of Pac-man:
    In 2004, NYU students created a real-life version of the iconic Pac-Man video game, which they called “Pac-Manhattan.” Students dressed as Pac-Man and the ghosts chased each other around downtown Manhattan city blocks. The event was a passing of the torch from Dutch students who years earlier had re-created Tetris in giant form on the side of a university building.

  8. Largest game of Twister: This is one that gets overturned fairly regularly. In September 2011, participants in an event at the Netherlands’ University of Twente put left hand red and right foot green on a Twister board measuring 170 feet by 140 feet. The previous record holders were University College Dublin students, who stole the title from students at University of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

  9. Largest toy pistol fight: We should have gone to Washington U. In 2010, students there staged a record-breaking Nerf gun battle, packing 461 students into the Commons and having them fire away at each other. They split into two sides and fired back and forth for the required five minutes needed to make the record official.

  10. Longest distance traveled on a Slip and Slide in one hour:
    Penn State students couldn’t hold on to their 2010 record for most ground covered on a slippery mat in 60 minutes. The University of Oregon now has the bragging rights, thanks to an October 2010 performance of 82,080 feet, or 15.5 miles.

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