Friday, March 4, 2011

Donald Trump: "No" on rights for LGBT community

Donald Trump, currently considering a possible run for the White House next year, has apparently told the Des Moines Register that gay couples should not be allowed marriage equality.

In response to a question on his position on marriage equality, Trump said "They should not be able to marry."

In other questions regarding the rights of the LGBT community, Trump indicated that he had not come to a "fully formed" opinion on extending medical and civil benefits to gay couples, but he did say "At of this moment, I would say no and no."

Trump, who is currently on his third marriage, clearly enjoys his own access to marriage rights and is content that the LGBT community be denied those same rights and privileges.


  1. He needs a good slap. Actually, his hair stylist does. Vote "no" on comb-overs.

  2. Well I guess I WILL be exercising my right to not watch the new season of his show. Time to let NBC and Trump know how we feel.

  3. Wish you posted his phone number so I could tell him what I think about his comments.

  4. Really no surprise here..... he's a republican, isn't he?

  5. Though not a huge surprise, this dude is an adulterer on his third marriage -- who is he to say my marriage isnt a real marriage or I shouldnt be married? Hypocrite.

  6. Every time he remarries it's a slap in the face of same-sex couples that aren't allowed to marry even once.


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