Thursday, January 11, 2018

Donald Trump Attacks His Own Administration's Position On FISA, Then Flip-Flops Back

This morning, during Donald Trump's "Executive Time," the man who says he has no time to watch TV because he's reading "documents" was clearly watching a report on Fox News about a Congressional vote to reauthorize FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

In a kneejerk reaction, Trump let the world know that he doesn't understand what the law does.

Note - FISA is used for the collection of foreign intelligence against a non-U.S. person overseas.

Moments after Fox's report aired, Trump shared this tweet:

The dossier he's referring to is the series of memos compiled by former MI6 British spy Christopher Steele, a Russian expert, for Fusion GPS.

It's important to note that, despite the Donald's protestations, much of it has been corroborated, and none of it has been officially debunked.

In any case, the problem with Trump's tweet is his administration actually SUPPORTS the reauthorization of the FISA Act.

So, flippity-flop, a short time later, Trump tried to get back on the right side of his own policy:

Remember folks, this is a self-proclaimed "very stable genius."