Wednesday, September 6, 2017

News Round-Up: September 6, 2017

(via Instagram)

Some news items you might have missed:

Buzzfeed reports that this ripped daddy (above/below), Pawel Ladziak - the self-styled "Polish Viking," is actually only 35 years old. He apparently spends thousands each year to look like a really fit 60-year-old.

• Former Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo will speak at the virulently anti-LGBT Values Voter Summit this year. Other speakers include former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former child actor Kirk Cameron, Dr. Ben Carson, and “Duck Dynasty” reality peformer Phil Robertson.

• Donald Trump told reporters he has "no second thoughts" about his decision to rescind the DACA program. And yet, this morning he tweeted that should Congress fail to address this immigration impasse, he will "revisit this issue." He said he had to end the program because it's "unconstitutional," so how would he "revisit" an unconstitutional problem?

• Chocolate giant Mars is committing close to $1 billion to fight climate change.

• Hillary Clinton will sit down this coming Sunday with Jane Pauley of CBS' Sunday Morning 9:00 AM EST for her first network TV interview since losing the 2016 election. She'll be talking about the ill-fated quest for the presidency, President Donald Trump and her new book, What Happened.

• You know how boxers love to get in each other's faces before a match? Like, really, really close? NewNowNext has collected their top 15 times boxers got so "game face" it looked like they were going to kiss. #KissKissKiss

And now, more from the "Polish Viking:"

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