Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Anti-gay Bill Donohue: My 'Straight Is Great' banner would have overwhelmed Gay Pride Parade

Catholic League President Bill Donohue came unglued recently when the NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade lost sponsors for not allowing openly gay men and women to march in the parade. Apparently, the gays can march only if they "blend in."

As part of his outrage, he threatened to apply to march in the NYC Gay Pride Parade with his own banner saying "Straight Is Great." Well, lo and behold, the powers that be at Gay Pride said "please come be a part of our parade."

But when Donohue was told someone from his contingent would need to attend a training session that instructs every group about safety issues and other practical matters, he used that as his excuse to back out. Watch the clip from Right Wing Watch below. He makes fun of the safety training session and alludes that it's "gay training."

The day before Catholic League head and anti-gay activist Bill Donohue announced that he wouldn’t participate in the NYC Pride Parade even though organizers accepted his application to lead a “Straight Is Great” parade contingent, Donohue told conservative talk show host Steve Malzberg that the parade organizers are maneuvering to keep him out of the parade because they are afraid his “Straight Is Great” message will catch on and flood the parade: “They know what they’re opening the door to: what if instead of getting 100 people, what if I get 3,000 people? What if we begin to overwhelm their parade and vetoes their message?”

Donohue said that he withdrew from the parade because he didn’t want to attend required training sessions for all group leaders. “Quite frankly, as a straight guy, I don’t go to gay training sessions,” Donohue said. “I think I’m pretty much an untrainable guy when it comes to this thing.”

(via Right Wing Watch)

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