Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mozilla issues diversity statement in light of new CEO's past Prop 8 support

Yesterday, news broke that newly-appointed Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich had been a donor to California's anti-gay Prop 8 campaign.

In response, developers Hampton Catlin and his husband Michael announced their decision to boycott the Mozilla community entirely.

Now, Mozilla, maker of the popular Firefox web browser and the Thunderbird email client, has issued a statement in regard to the company's approach to diversity:

Mozilla has always been deeply committed to honoring diversity in sexual orientation and beliefs within our staff and community, across all the project’s activities.

One concrete example of this is in our health benefit policies. Mozilla provides the same level of benefits and advantages to domestic partners as we do to married couples across the United States, even in states where it is not mandated.

For those who choose life insurance, voluntary spouse coverage extends to domestic partners, including same-sex couples.

With thousands of people spanning many countries and cultures, diversity is core to who we are, and we’re united in our mission to keep the Web open and accessible for everyone.

(via Towleroad)

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