Monday, March 18, 2019

New Zealand High School Boys Perform Haka In Support & Unity With Muslim Community

As New Zealand continues mourning the deaths of 50 people gunned down by a white nationalist terrorist, dozens of boys from Christchurch Boys' High performed a ceremonial haka dance to show support and unity with the Muslim community.

As New Zealand continues mourning the deaths of 50 people gunned down by a white nationalist terrorist, dozens of boys from Christchurch Boys' High performed a ceremonial haka dance to show support and unity with the Muslim community.

I've posted hakas on The Randy Report before here.

I always find the fierce commitment to the dance, and the spirit of those performing the haka, to be profoundly inspiring.

According to ABC News Australia, "Tears began to stream down the faces of some people watching as the boys performed the traditional dance."

(h/t JoeMyGod)