Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Covington Catholic Teen Files $250 Million Lawsuit

Nick Sandmann, who folks couldn't stop from declaring was "so innocent" for his part in the Lincoln Memorial debacle last month, has shown his true colors and filed a $250 MILLION lawsuit against Trump's favorite newspaper to hate, The Washington Post.
Nick Sandmann and Nathan Phillips

Nick Sandmann, who garnered national attention last month for his standoff with a Native American elder at the Lincoln Memorial last month, has filed a $250 MILLION lawsuit against The Washington Post.

From HuffPost:

Sandmann, a student from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky, was part of a group of teens filmed surrounding Phillips while he performed an American Indian Movement song on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial last month at the National Mall.

The viral incident ― which was covered by many major news outlets ― caused nationwide outrage at both ends of the political spectrum, with perceptions becoming more complicated after more than an hour of the footage from the encounter later emerged.

According to the lawsuit filed by attorneys Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry, the Post’s coverage of the incident “wrongfully targeted and bullied” Sandmann “because he was the white, Catholic student wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ souvenir cap.”

The purpose of the lawsuit against the Post, the lawsuit says, is “to seek legal redress for its negligent, reckless, and malicious attacks on Nicholas which caused permanent damage to his life and reputation.

“The Post bullied an innocent child with an absolute disregard for the pain and destruction its attacks would cause to his life.”

As the report points out, tons of media outlets carried the story. How anyone could point at just the Post and say they alone were responsible for Sandmann's coverage is beyond ridiculous.

Remember folks, he's just an innocent kid.

Sandmann on The Today Show sans smirk

The $250 million figure just happens to be what Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos paid for the newspaper.

Donald Trump couldn't wait to tweet about this: