Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Trump: "Much Of The Wall Has Already Been Fully Renovated Or Built"

Donald Trump

Donald Trump tweeted today that his infamous 'wall' is actually being paid for via the recently announced trade negotiations known as United States/Mexico/Canada Trade Deal.

The Donald also asserts that 'much of the wall has already been fully renovated or built."


If it's 'fully renovated or built' why shutdown the government?

Ken Meyer at Mediaite has more:

So, let’s see. Mexico is supposedly paying for the wall with an updated NAFTA deal that will presumably stimulate U.S. economic activity enough to offset the wall’s cost through tax revenue. Even if this federal revenue increase does happen as Trump claims, the actual end result here is American taxpayers will supply the money for the wall, not Mexico.

At a briefing today, Trump told reporters he'd 'rather not say' if he would accept less than $5 billion for his wall to bring the government shutdown to a close