Monday, January 28, 2019

Former Starbucks CEO Considering Independent 2020 Run For President

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz told 60 Minutes last night, “I am seriously thinking of running for president."
Howard Schultz

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz told 60 Minutes last night, “I am seriously thinking of running for president."

Schultz says he would run as a “centrist independent.”

Please - no.

He'll simply split the anti-Trump vote and we'll get four more years of the Trumpster.

As these graphics from MSNBC's Hardball illustrate, even pulling a relatively small amount of votes can wreck havoc.

Donald Trump won the presidency with three unexpected wins - in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

While Clinton lost Michigan by just over 10,000 votes, Green Party candidate Jill Stein got over 50,000 votes. Had she not been in the running, it's easy to imagine those Green Party voters heading more to Democrat Clinton than Trump.

It's a similar situation in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

And going back to the 2000 presidential election, George W. Bush won the White House by taking Florida - by only 537 votes.

Indie Ralph Nader got almost 100,000 votes. It's not a stretch to think Al Gore would have received the bulk of those votes had Nader not been in the mix.

So - no. No independent Schultz run.

He's a Democrat. If he wants to run, run in the primary as a Democrat and see if the people wants him.

Here's the scintillating Howard Schultz: