Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Ruh Roh - Trump Ally Roger Stone Invokes His 5th Amendment Rights

MSNBC is reporting that Roger Stone, longtime ally of Donald Trump, has invoked his Fifth Amendment right to decline to testify and provide documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Roger Stone

MSNBC is reporting that Roger Stone, longtime ally of Donald Trump, has invoked his Fifth Amendment right to decline to testify and provide documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

In the letter dated December 3, Grant Smith, Stone's attorney, wrote, “Mr. Stone’s invocation of his Fifth Amendment privilege must be understood by all to be the assertion of a Constitutional right by an innocent citizen who denounces secrecy.”

While I'm certain the Trumpster will appreciate the loyalty, there was a time when Trump had a certain public opinion on folks who 'take the 5th.'