Monday, December 31, 2018

Podcast: The Best Of LGBTQ Music, Movies & Pop Culture

What? You thought I wasn't going to count down and recap the year that was 2018?

Fat chance.

Here's my take on the best that the year had to offer in terms of LGBTQ music, movies, television and pop culture moments, as well as the stories that resonated most with my readers.

Please kick back, pour a cocktail, and take a little journey on the way back machine as I review 2018 in terms of the LGBTQ community.

And, as always, I would muchly appreciate it if you would share The Randy Report podcast with your friends.

So, here we go. Let me know in the comments what you thought I might have missed.

See you all in 2019! Thanks to all of you for visiting The Randy Report. It totally wouldn't be any fun without you here.