Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Music: Band Aid "Do They Know It's Christmas?"

Via Wikipedia:

"Do They Know It's Christmas?" was first recorded in a single day on 25 November 1984 by Band Aid, a supergroup put together by Geldof and Ure and consisting mainly of the biggest British and Irish musical acts at the time.

The single was released in the United Kingdom on 3 December 1984[2] and aided by considerable publicity it entered the UK Singles Chart at number one and stayed there for five weeks, becoming the Christmas number one of 1984.

The record became the fastest selling single in UK chart history, selling a million copies in the first week alone and passing 3 million on the last day of 1984, on the way to becoming the biggest selling single of all time in the UK.

The original version of "Do They Know It's Christmas?" has sold 3.79 million copies in the UK to date.

The song was also a major success around the world, reaching number one in thirteen other countries outside the UK. In the US, the single sold an estimated 2.5 million copies in the US by January 1985.

Worldwide the single had sold 11.7 million copies by 1989.