Friday, October 26, 2018

Cesar Sayoc Jr. Charged With 5 Counts For Bombing Campaign Against Trump Critics

Cesar Sayoc, Jr. (via Facebook)

Cesar Sayoc Jr., of Aventura, Florida, has been arrested and charged in the bombing campaign that has targeted prominent Democratic figures.

From The New York Times:

At a news conference in Washington on Friday afternoon, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Mr. Sayoc had been charged with five federal crimes, including the interstate transportation of an explosive, the illegal mailing of explosives and making a threat against a former president and others.

Mr. Sayoc is a registered Republican whose arrest record in Florida dates back to 1991 and includes felony theft, drug and fraud charges, as well as allegations that he threatened to use a bomb, public records show.

According to a 2012 bankruptcy petition filed in Miami, Mr. Sayoc resided at the time at his mother’s home. “Lives w/mom,” a handwritten note on the petition said. “Has no furniture.”

The Times reports that DNA samples on two of the bombs matched a DNA sample from Sayoc from a previous arrest.

Additionally, a finger print was found on one of the bombs that matched Sayoc.

At a press conference today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asked why all of the targets were political opponents of Donald Trump. Sessions said he was not sure, but added that the suspect “appears to be a partisan.”

Oh, really? Check out the picture at the top of this post. Yeah, I'd call that 'partisan.'

The charges include interstate transportation of an explosive, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents and other persons, threatening interstate commerce and assaulting federal officers.’

If convicted, the 56-year-old faces up to 58 years in prison.

Sayoc has reportedly denied any role in the bombing campaign.

So far, bombs have been found to have been sent to these perceived political opponents of Donald Trump: President Obama; former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.; former Secretary of State Clinton; Rep. Maxine Waters fo California; former Attorney General Eric Holder; John O. Brennan, a former C.I.A. director, the actor Robert De Niro; Sen. Kamala Harris of California; Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey; James Clapper, former director of national intelligence; Tom Steyer, a prominent Democratic donor and George Soros, the billionaire Democratic donor.

It appears driving around in his van plastered with Trump propaganda had become unfulfilling.

Because how nutty does this look???

Sayoc appears to have heard the clarion call of his leader who, with a wink and a nod, has been inciting violence for some time.

Trump created the 'alternate reality' this guy lives in. Don't for one second not believe that.