Happy 60th birthday, Madonna!
From her 1984 MTV Awards performance of "Like A Virgin," to the controversial "Like A Prayer," the now iconic "Vogue," the empowering "Express Yourself" and envelope pushing (at the time) "Justify My Love," Madonna has always and continues to hold our attention.
While not a "power" vocalist, her voice does have the power to connect with us; and she's a skilled lyricist and songwriter.
Plus, no one understands the power of style and reinvention better than Madge.
It bears mentioning that Madonna has been a potent and vocal ally for the LGBT community from the start - speaking out for equality and the AIDS crisis before it was in "vogue" to do so (you saw what I did there, right?).
I picked some of my favorite Madonna music videos below. Some are about the songs; some I enjoy for the visuals; and some for the change in direction they represent for her career.
Power on, Madonna. You still have our attention.