Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Colton Haynes Leads The Shade Brigade On Kim Kardashian

Colton Haynes (image via Instagram)
Colton Haynes, star of Arrow & Teen Wolf, just went there as the shade brigade over Kim Kardashian’s eyebrow-raising Instagram pic.

Ms. Kim shared a photo last week via social media meant to promote Kanye West’s Adidas sneaker line, Butter350.

But it wasn’t the kicks that got attention but her body position on a bed that looked like a dead body at a crime scene.

Here’s the post which was captioned “Like butter. #Butter350’s #yeezy.”

A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

Haynes shared his take on the pic to his huge Instagram followers as he mimicked not only her body position and caption, but went further with a bit of Photoshop fun.

A post shared by Colton Haynes (@coltonlhaynes) on

At this writing, over 655,000 folks has liked Haynes’ post.

Fellow Instagrammers began sharing their own recreations of the now-infamous pic:

A post shared by ROSÉ (@rosewithanaccent) on

A post shared by J O N A T H A N M A R T I N (@mr.jonathanmartin) on