Saturday, June 2, 2018

InstaHunk Round-Up

It's the first weekend in June (Pride Month) which makes this a holiday weekend in my book!

Here's some eye-candy to enjoy this gorgeous Saturday.

Let's kick off with Petr Hollesch, who's Czech like me, hanging out in his backyard like me, gay like me... and that might be where our similarities end :)

Happy Pride, folks!

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And how about the cutest gay couples on Instagram finally meeting? Justin and Nick meet PJ and Thomas. Awww... :)

Happy Pride month everyone! We kicked it off yesterday by finally meeting our friends @justinickpgh in real life (after 3+ years of being friends on Insta) and we couldn’t think of a more appropriate way to celebrate. Growing up, we all felt kind of different didn’t we? Like we couldn’t relate to the people around us because they didn’t understand and they weren’t gay. Now that we’re older, we realize the importance of having gone through those scary years and the freedom in celebrating who we are as flawed, queer men who want the same things that everyone wants: love, acceptance, and to make connections with those around us. Queerness comes in so many different forms and backgrounds, like pretending the Barbies you bought when you were younger were for your sister so no one would make fun of you, or quitting ballet and playing basketball instead so people wouldn’t get suspicious. This month is for all of us: out and proud or still in the closet, the people who fought and paved the way to get to where we are today and the people who will continue to fight for the future. Let’s do this y’all! #pridemonth #lgbtq #pride #lgbtqia 🌈🌈🌈🌈
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