Saturday, May 19, 2018

Today's Cover Of The New York Daily News

Headline of the NY Daily News today reads, "With yesterday's Texas massacre, there have now been more students or teachers killed by guns in U.S. schools than active-duty military deaths in 2018."

The headline of today's New York Daily News reads, "With yesterday's Texas massacre, there have now been more students or teachers killed by guns in U.S. schools than active-duty military deaths in 2018. No headline can do this justice."

From the accompanying article:

The frontlines of American warfare are now in America's classrooms.

More people have been murdered in schools so far this year than have been killed while serving in the U.S. military, according to depressing statistics.

Accounting for the 10 people shot to death at a Houston-area high school Friday, 31 people — an overwhelming majority of whom were students — have been killed at schools since Jan. 1, according to data compiled by the Washington Post. Twenty-nine U.S. service members have been killed in the same timeframe, including both combat and noncombat deaths, according to the Pentagon.

Previous years, the numbers have typically been inverted, with service member casualties outnumbering student deaths by at least double, statistics show.