Wednesday, May 16, 2018

News Round-Up: May 16, 2018

Some news stories you might have missed:

• InstaCouple Justin and Nick (above) seem about as excited about Hump Day as I am. But they be cuuuuuuute!

• This NFL star got a $3 million judgement in court for NOT being openly gay.

• 21-year-old Bobby Rodriguez was told by security guards that he couldn’t enter Whiskey River, a nightlife hotspot in the Texas city of Corpus Christi, unless he removed his makeup.

• In only one week, two transgender women have been found dead in Dallas, Texas.

• This queen loves his Louis Vuitton bag so much he dodged bullets and fought off an armed robber to keep his cherished accessory.

• Disney has launched new merchandise inspired by the Pride rainbow. And a portion of the proceeds go to GLSEN, a non-profit that helps make schools more LGBTQ inclusive.

• Comic guy Michael Henry got to thinking about his drinking habits, which made him think about his friends' drinking habits, which led him to making this light-hearted (but thought-provoking) short video about substances we may or may not imbibe.