Friday, May 4, 2018

Hot Dogs? Hamburgers? Mitt Romney Is Just Like Us

Mitt Romney

In an article that trips over itself to fawn over former Republican presidential candidate and current multi-millionaire Mitt Romney, the Washington Examiner goes to great pains to say that for a man worth millions he is a very "uncomplicated" person.

The article even quotes him about his very humble favorite food.

To wit:

“My favorite meat is hot dog, by the way. That is my favorite meat,” he told a gathering of supporters as they joined him recently for a casual dinner organized by his campaign. “My second favorite meat is hamburger. And, everyone says, oh, don’t you prefer steak? It’s like, I know steaks are great, but I like hot dog best, and I like hamburger next best.”

Romney is currently running to replace Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) who is retiring.

The Twitterverse was rather amused: