Sunday, April 8, 2018

Trump Threatens "Big Price To Pay" For Syrian Chemical Attack

For the first time in his presidency, Donald Trump called out Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection to a chemical gas attack in Syria that killed at least 70 dead and more injured.

From The New York Times:

President Trump on Sunday promised a “big price” to be paid for what he said was a chemical weapons attack that choked dozens of Syrians to death the day before, and a top White House official said the administration would not rule out a missile strike to retaliate against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

In a tweet, Mr. Trump laid the blame for the attack partly on President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, the first time since his election that he has criticized the Russian leader by name on Twitter. Mr. Putin’s forces have been fighting for years to keep the Assad government in power amid Syria’s brutal civil war.

Mr. Trump also left no doubt that he believed the assessment of aid groups that Mr. Assad’s military had used chemical weapons to inflict the carnage on Saturday in Douma, a rebel-held suburb of Damascus.

The Times goes on to report that the White House has not ruled out a missile strike response among options available to the U.S.

The United Nations Security Council has announced it will hold emergency meeting Monday in light of the chemical attack.

According to reports, Trump has been mulling over pulling all U.S. military out of Syria. Observers are now curious to see if the Donald follows through on that considering these developments.

And, of course, war hawk Sen. Lindsey Graham wants to go to war so bad:

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